Chip 2005 June
< prev
Text File
649 lines
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Zoom Search Engine 4.0 (10/3/2005)
// This file (search.js) is the JavaScript search front-end for client side
// searches using index files created by the Zoom Search Engine Indexer.
// email: zoom@wrensoft.com
// www: http://www.wrensoft.com
// Copyright (C) Wrensoft 2000-2005
// This script performs client-side searching with the index data file
// (zoom_index.js) generated by the Zoom Search Engine Indexer. It allows you
// to run searches on mediums such as CD-ROMs, or other local data, where a
// web server is not available.
// We recommend against using client-side searches for online websites because
// it requires the entire index data file to be downloaded onto the user's
// local machine. This can be very slow for large websites, and our server-side
// search scripts (search.php and search.asp) are far better suited for this.
// However, JavaScript is still an option for smaller websites in a limited
// hosting situation (eg: no PHP or ASP)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Include required files for index data, settings, etc.
document.write("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"zoom_index.js\" charset=\"" + Charset + "\"><\/script>");
document.write("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"zoom_pages.js\" charset=\"" + Charset + "\"><\/script>");
document.write("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"zoom_titles.js\" charset=\"" + Charset + "\"><\/script>");
document.write("<script language=\"JavaScript\" src=\"zoom_descriptions.js\" charset=\"" + Charset + "\"><\/script>");
document.write("<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=" + Charset + "\">");
if (document.charset)
document.charset = Charset; // IE4+ only
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Settings (change if necessary)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The options available in the dropdown menu for number of results
// per page
var PerPageOptions = new Array(10, 20, 50, 100);
// Globals
var SkippedWords = 0;
var searchWords = new Array();
var SkippedOutputStr = "";
var months = new Array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper Functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function will return the value of a GET parameter
function getParam(paramName)
paramStr = document.location.search;
if (paramStr == "")
return "";
// remove '?' in front of paramStr
if (paramStr.charAt(0) == "?")
paramStr = paramStr.substring(1, paramStr.length);
arg = (paramStr.split("&"));
for (i=0; i < arg.length; i++) {
arg_values = arg[i].split("=")
if (unescape(arg_values[0]) == paramName) {
if (UseUTF8 == 1 && self.decodeURIComponent) // check if decodeURIComponent() is defined
ret = decodeURIComponent(arg_values[1]);
ret = unescape(arg_values[1]); // IE 5.0 and older does not have decodeURI
return ret;
return "";
// Compares the two values, used for sorting output results
// Results that match all search terms are put first, highest score
function SortCompare (a, b)
if (a[2] < b[2]) return 1;
else if (a[2] > b[2]) return -1;
else if (a[1] < b[1]) return 1;
else if (a[1] > b[1]) return -1;
else return 0;
function SortByDate(a, b)
if (datetime[a[0]] < datetime[b[0]]) return 1;
else if (datetime[a[0]] > datetime[b[0]]) return -1;
else return SortCompare(a, b);
function pattern2regexp(pattern)
pattern = pattern.replace(/\#/g, "\\#");
pattern = pattern.replace(/\$/g, "\\$");
pattern = pattern.replace(/\./g, "\\.");
pattern = pattern.replace(/\*/g, "[\\d\\S]*");
pattern = pattern.replace(/\?/g, ".?");
return pattern;
function HighlightDescription(line) {
res = " " + line + " ";
for (i = 0; i < numwords; i++) {
if (searchWords[i] == "")
if (SearchAsSubstring == 1)
res = res.replace(new RegExp("("+searchWords[i]+")", "gi"), "[;:]$1[:;]");
res = res.replace(new RegExp("(\\W|^|\\b)("+searchWords[i]+")(\\W|$|\\b)", "gi"), "$1[;:]$2[:;]$3");
// replace the marker text with the html text
// this is to avoid finding previous <span>'ed text.
res = res.replace(/\[;:\]/g, "<span class=\"highlight\">");
res = res.replace(/\[:;\]/g, "</span>");
return res;
function PrintNumResults(num)
if (num == 0)
else if (num == 1)
return num + " " + STR_RESULT;
return num + " " + STR_RESULTS;
function SkipSearchWord(sw) {
if (searchWords[sw] != "") {
if (SkippedWords > 0)
SkippedOutputStr += ", ";
SkippedOutputStr += "\"<b>" + searchWords[sw] + "</b>\"";
searchWords[sw] = "";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Parameters initialisation (globals)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var query = getParam("zoom_query");
query = query.replace(/[\++]/g, " "); // replace the '+' with spaces
query = query.replace(/[,+]/g, " ");
query = query.replace(/\</g, "<");
query = query.replace(/[\"+]/g, " ");
var per_page = parseInt(getParam("zoom_per_page"));
if (isNaN(per_page)) per_page = 10;
var page = parseInt(getParam("zoom_page"));
if (isNaN(page)) page = 1;
var andq = parseInt(getParam("zoom_and"));
if (isNaN(andq))
if (typeof(DefaultToAnd) != "undefined" && DefaultToAnd == 1)
andq = 1;
andq = 0;
var cat = parseInt(getParam("zoom_cat"));
if (isNaN(cat)) cat = -1; // search all categories
// for sorting options. zero is default (relevance)
// 1 is sort by date (if date/time is available)
var sort = parseInt(getParam("zoom_sort"));
if (isNaN(sort)) sort = 0;
var SelfURL = "";
if (typeof(LinkBackURL) == "undefined")
SelfURL = document.location.href;
var paramIndex = SelfURL.indexOf("?");
if (paramIndex > -1)
SelfURL = SelfURL.substr(0, paramIndex); // strip off the parameters
SelfURL = LinkBackURL;
if (typeof(catnames) != "undefined" && typeof(catpages) != "undefined")
UseCats = true;
UseCats = false;
var data = new Array();
var output = new Array();
target = "";
if (UseLinkTarget == 1)
target = " target=\"" + LinkTarget + "\" ";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main search function starts here
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function ZoomSearch() {
if (Timing == 1) {
timeStart = new Date();
// Display the form
if (FormFormat > 0) {
document.writeln("<form method=\"get\" action=\"" + SelfURL + "\" class=\"zoom_searchform\">");
document.writeln("<input type=\"text\" name=\"zoom_query\" size=\"20\" value=\"" + query + "\" class=\"zoom_searchbox\" />");
document.writeln("<input type=\"submit\" value=\"" + STR_FORM_SUBMIT_BUTTON + "\" class=\"zoom_button\" />");
if (FormFormat == 2) {
document.writeln("<span class=\"zoom_options\">" + STR_FORM_RESULTS_PER_PAGE + "\n");
document.writeln("<select name='zoom_per_page'>");
for (i = 0; i < PerPageOptions.length; i++) {
if (PerPageOptions[i] == per_page)
document.write(" selected=\"selected\"");
document.writeln(">" + PerPageOptions[i] + "</option>");
document.writeln("</select><br /><br />");
if (UseCats) {
document.write(STR_FORM_CATEGORY + " ");
document.write("<select name='zoom_cat'>");
// 'all cats option
document.write("<option value=\"-1\">" + STR_FORM_CATEGORY_ALL + "</option>");
for (i = 0; i < catnames.length; i++) {
document.write("<option value=\"" + i + "\"");
if (i == cat)
document.write(" selected=\"selected\"");
document.writeln(">" + catnames[i] + "</option>");
document.writeln("</select> ");
document.writeln(STR_FORM_MATCH + " ");
if (andq == 0) {
document.writeln("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"zoom_and\" value=\"0\" checked=\"checked\" />" + STR_FORM_ANY_SEARCH_WORDS);
document.writeln("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"zoom_and\" value=\"1\" />" + STR_FORM_ALL_SEARCH_WORDS);
} else {
document.writeln("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"zoom_and\" value=\"0\" />" + STR_FORM_ANY_SEARCH_WORDS);
document.writeln("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"zoom_and\" value=\"1\" checked=\"checked\" />" + STR_FORM_ALL_SEARCH_WORDS);
document.writeln("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zoom_sort\" value=\"" + sort + "\" />");
document.writeln("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zoom_per_page\" value=\"" + per_page + "\" />");
document.writeln("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zoom_and\" value=\"" + andq + "\" />");
document.writeln("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zoom_sort\" value=\"" + sort + "\" />");
// give up early if no search words provided
if (query.length == 0) {
//document.writeln("No search query entered.<br />");
if (ZoomInfo == 1)
document.writeln("<center><p><small>" + STR_POWEREDBY + " <a href=\"http://www.wrensoft.com/zoom/\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Zoom Search Engine</b></a></small></p></center>");
if (MapAccents == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < NormalChars.length; i++) {
query = query.replace(AccentChars[i], NormalChars[i]);
if (ToLowerSearchWords == 1)
query = query.toLowerCase();
// prepare search query, strip quotes, trim whitespace
if (WordJoinChars.indexOf(".") == -1)
query = query.replace(/[\.+]/g, " ");
if (WordJoinChars.indexOf("-") == -1)
query = query.replace(/[\-+]/g, " ");
if (WordJoinChars.indexOf("_") == -1)
query = query.replace(/[\_+]/g, " ");
if (WordJoinChars.indexOf("'") == -1)
query = query.replace(/[\'+]/g, " ");
if (WordJoinChars.indexOf("#") == -1)
query = query.replace(/[\#+]/g, " ");
if (WordJoinChars.indexOf("$") == -1)
query = query.replace(/[\$+]/g, " ");
// if (WordJoinChars.indexOf(",") == -1)
// query = query.replace(/[\,+]/g, " ");
// substitute multiple whitespace chars to single character
query = query.replace(/[\/\s\\\\(\)\^\[\]\|\+\{\}]+/g, " ");
// trim trailing/leading whitespace
query = query.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g,"");
// split search phrase into words
searchWords = query.split(" "); // split by spaces.
document.write("<div class=\"searchheading\">" + STR_RESULTS_FOR + " \"" + query + "\"");
if (UseCats) {
if (cat == -1)
document.writeln(" " + STR_RESULTS_IN_ALL_CATEGORIES);
document.writeln(" " + STR_RESULTS_IN_CATEGORY + " \"" + catnames[cat] + "\"");
document.writeln("</div><br />");
document.writeln("<div class=\"results\">");
numwords = searchWords.length;
kw_ptr = 0;
outputline = 0;
usewildcards = 0;
ipage = 0;
matches = 0;
var SWord;
pagesCount = urls.length;
// Initialise a result table the size of all pages
res_table = new Array(pagesCount);
for (i = 0; i < pagesCount; i++)
res_table[i] = new Array(3);
res_table[i][0] = 0;
res_table[i][1] = 0;
res_table[i][2] = 0;
if (skipwords) {
for (sw = 0; sw < numwords; sw++) {
// check min length
if (searchWords[sw].length < MinWordLen) {
// check skip word list
for (i = 0; i < skipwords.length; i++) {
if (searchWords[sw] == skipwords[i]) {
if (SkippedWords > 0)
document.writeln("<i>" + STR_SKIPPED_FOLLOWING_WORDS + " " + SkippedOutputStr + ".</i><br /><br />");
// Begin searching...
for (sw = 0; sw < numwords; sw++) {
if (searchWords[sw] == "")
if (searchWords[sw].indexOf("*") == -1 && searchWords[sw].indexOf("?") == -1) {
UseWildCards = 0;
} else {
UseWildCards = 1;
searchWords[sw] = pattern2regexp(searchWords[sw]);
if (SearchAsSubstring == 0)
pattern = "^" + searchWords[sw] + "$";
pattern = searchWords[sw];
re = new RegExp(pattern, "g");
for (kw_ptr = 0; kw_ptr < dictwords.length; kw_ptr++) {
data = dictwords[kw_ptr].split(",");
if (UseWildCards == 0) {
if (SearchAsSubstring == 0)
//match_result = data[0].search("^" + SWord + "$");
if (data[0] == searchWords[sw])
match_result = 0;
match_result = -1;
match_result = data[0].indexOf(searchWords[sw]);
} else
match_result = data[0].search(re);
if (match_result != -1) {
// keyword found, include it in the output list
for (kw = 1; kw < data.length; kw += 2) {
// check if page is already in output list
pageexists = 0;
ipage = data[kw];
if (res_table[ipage][0] == 0) {
res_table[ipage][0] += parseInt(data[kw+1]);
else {
if (res_table[ipage][0] > 10000) {
// take it easy if its too big to prevent gigantic scores
res_table[ipage][0] += 1;
} else {
res_table[ipage][0] += parseInt(data[kw+1]); // add in score
res_table[ipage][0] *= 2; // double score as we have two words matching
res_table[ipage][1] += 1;
// store the 'and' user search terms matched' value
if (res_table[ipage][2] == sw || res_table[ipage][2] == sw-SkippedWords)
res_table[ipage][2] += 1;
if (UseWildCards == 0 && SearchAsSubstring == 0)
break; // this search word was found, so skip to next
// Count number of output lines that match ALL search terms
oline = 0;
fullmatches = 0;
ResFiltered = false;
output = new Array();
var full_numwords = numwords - SkippedWords;
for (i = 0; i < pagesCount; i++) {
IsFiltered = false;
if (res_table[i][0] != 0) {
if (UseCats && cat != -1) {
// using cats and not doing an "all cats" search
if (catpages[i] != cat) {
IsFiltered = true;
if (IsFiltered == false) {
if (res_table[i][2] >= full_numwords) {
} else {
if (andq == 1)
IsFiltered = true;
if (IsFiltered == false) {
// copy if not filtered out
output[oline] = new Array(3);
output[oline][0] = i;
output[oline][1] = res_table[i][0];
output[oline][2] = res_table[i][1];
} else {
ResFiltered = true;
if (ResFiltered == true)
matches = output.length;
// Sort results in order of score, use "SortCompare" function
if (matches > 1)
if (sort == 1 && UseDateTime == 1)
output.sort(SortByDate); // sort by date
output.sort(SortCompare); // sort by relevance
// prepare query_out
var query_out = query.replace(/\s/g, "+");
query_out = escape(query_out);
//Display search result information
document.writeln("<div class=\"summary\">");
if (matches == 0)
document.writeln(STR_SUMMARY_NO_RESULTS_FOUND + "<br />");
else if (numwords > 1 && andq == 0) {
SomeTermMatches = matches - fullmatches;
document.writeln(PrintNumResults(fullmatches) + " " + STR_SUMMARY_FOUND_CONTAINING_ALL_TERMS + " ");
if (SomeTermMatches > 0)
document.writeln(PrintNumResults(SomeTermMatches) + " " + STR_SUMMARY_FOUND_CONTAINING_SOME_TERMS);
document.writeln("<br />");
else if (numwords > 1 && andq == 1) //AND
document.writeln(PrintNumResults(fullmatches) + " " + STR_SUMMARY_FOUND_CONTAINING_ALL_TERMS + "<br />");
document.writeln(PrintNumResults(matches) + " " + STR_SUMMARY_FOUND + "<br />");
// number of pages of results
num_pages = Math.ceil(matches / per_page);
if (num_pages > 1)
document.writeln("<br />" + num_pages + " " + STR_PAGES_OF_RESULTS + "<br />\n");
// Show sorting options
if (matches > 1)
if (UseDateTime == 1)
document.writeln("<div class=\"sorting\">");
if (sort == 1)
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + SelfURL + "?zoom_query=" + query_out + "&zoom_page=" + page + "&zoom_per_page=" + per_page + "&zoom_cat=" + cat + "&zoom_and=" + andq + "&zoom_sort=0\">" + STR_SORTBY_RELEVANCE + "</a> / <b>" + STR_SORTEDBY_DATE + "</b>");
document.writeln("<b>" + STR_SORTEDBY_RELEVANCE + "</b> / <a href=\"" + SelfURL + "?zoom_query=" + query_out + "&zoom_page=" + page + "&zoom_per_page=" + per_page + "&zoom_cat=" + cat + "&zoom_and=" + andq + "&zoom_sort=1\">" + STR_SORTBY_DATE + "</a>");
// determine current line of result from the output array
if (page == 1) {
arrayline = 0;
} else {
arrayline = ((page - 1) * per_page);
// the last result to show on this page
result_limit = arrayline + per_page;
// display the results
while (arrayline < matches && arrayline < result_limit) {
ipage = output[arrayline][0];
score = output[arrayline][1];
document.writeln("<div class=\"result_title\">");
if (DisplayNumber == 1)
document.writeln("<b>" + (arrayline+1) + ".</b> ");
if (DisplayTitle == 1)
if (GotoHighlight == 1)
if (SearchAsSubstring == 1)
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + urls[ipage] + "?zoom_highlightsub=" + query_out + "\"" + target + ">" + titles[ipage] + "</a>");
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + urls[ipage] + "?zoom_highlight=" + query_out + "\"" + target + ">" + titles[ipage] + "</a>");
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + urls[ipage] + "\"" + target + ">" + titles[ipage] + "</a>");
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + urls[ipage] + "\"" + target + ">" + urls[ipage] + "</a>");
if (UseCats) {
catindex = catpages[ipage];
document.writeln("<span class=\"category\">[" + catnames[catindex] + "]</span>");
if (DisplayMetaDesc == 1)
document.writeln("<div class=\"description\">");
if (Highlighting == 1)
info_str = "";
if (DisplayTerms == 1)
info_str += STR_RESULT_TERMS_MATCHED + " " + output[arrayline][2];
if (DisplayScore == 1) {
if (info_str.length > 0)
info_str += " - ";
info_str += STR_RESULT_SCORE + " " + score;
if (DisplayDate == 1) {
if (info_str.length > 0)
info_str += " - ";
info_str += datetime[ipage].getDate() + " " + months[datetime[ipage].getMonth()] + " " + datetime[ipage].getFullYear();
if (DisplayURL == 1) {
if (info_str.length > 0)
info_str += " - ";
info_str += STR_RESULT_URL + " " + urls[ipage];
document.writeln("<div class=\"infoline\">");
// Show links to other result pages
if (num_pages > 1) {
// 10 results to the left of the current page
start_range = page - 10;
if (start_range < 1)
start_range = 1;
// 10 to the right
end_range = page + 10;
if (end_range > num_pages)
end_range = num_pages;
document.writeln("<p></p>" + STR_RESULT_PAGES + " ");
if (page > 1)
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + SelfURL + "?zoom_query=" + query_out + "&zoom_page=" + (page-1) + "&zoom_per_page=" + per_page + "&zoom_cat=" + cat + "&zoom_and=" + andq + "&zoom_sort=" + sort + "\"><< " + STR_RESULT_PAGES_PREVIOUS + "</a> ");
for (i = start_range; i <= end_range; i++) {
if (i == page) {
document.writeln(page + " ");
} else {
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + SelfURL + "?zoom_query=" + query_out + "&zoom_page=" + i + "&zoom_per_page=" + per_page + "&zoom_cat=" + cat + "&zoom_and=" + andq + "&zoom_sort=" + sort + "\">" + i + "</a> ");
if (page != num_pages)
document.writeln("<a href=\"" + SelfURL + "?zoom_query=" + query_out + "&zoom_page=" + (page+1) + "&zoom_per_page=" + per_page + "&zoom_cat=" + cat + "&zoom_and=" + andq + "&zoom_sort=" + sort + "\">" + STR_RESULT_PAGES_NEXT + " >></a> ");
document.writeln("</div>"); // end results style tag
if (Timing == 1) {
timeEnd = new Date();
timeDifference = timeEnd - timeStart;
document.writeln("<br /><br /><small>" + STR_SEARCH_TOOK + " " + (timeDifference/1000) + " " + STR_SECONDS + ".</small>\n");
if (ZoomInfo == 1)
document.writeln("<center><p><small>" + STR_POWEREDBY + " <a href=\"http://www.wrensoft.com/zoom/\" target=\"_blank\"><b>Zoom Search Engine</b></a></small></p></center>");